Genre : Adventures
In this second installment of the episodic series, Adam Venture and his crew end up in 1920’s Jerusalem after having escaped alive from the Caverns of Eden. On their continuous search for the Lost Garden of Eden, they become entangled in a thickening plot featuring a ruthless dig for the ancient King Solomon’s treasure – but is that really all there is to it?
* Developed using the critically acclaimed Unreal 3 Engine.
* Second game of the episodic series. Brilliantly rendered in vivid 3D for striking visuals and truly stunning environments that breathe life into the story.
* Non Violent gameplay.
* Engaging storyline weaving a classic adventure with biblical overtones, adding more characters, depth and twists in this second game of the series.
* 8 distinct levels, including outdoor environments, with much longer gameplay.
* Over 50 challenging puzzles, varying in difficulty degree.
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