Order Now !!!! Combat Mission Battle for Normandy - 1 DVD
Publication Type: License
Publisher: Battlefront | Developer: Battlefront
Genre: Strategy (Real-time / Turn-based / Wargame) / 3D Publisher: Battlefront | Developer: Battlefront
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Combat Mission Battle for Normandy-SKIDROW |
Combat Mission รข€“ Battle for Normandy (CM:BN) faithfully recreates the experience of tactical land warfare in Western France during World War Two. Using the unique Turn-Based (WeGo)/Real-Time hybrid game system (new to CM? Click here for more info to learn what makes it unique and different from mainstream RTS games) of our proprietary CMx2 battle engine, the first installment in this new series covers the three months after the Allied D-Day landings in Normandy in June 1944, from Operation Overlord in June through the Cobra Breakout in August.
Key Features:
* Both RealTime (pausable) or WeGo (turn based, simultaneous turnexecution) game modes
* 2-player Game Modes with Realtime over TCP/IP (LAN, Internet), WeGowith PBEM (Play by Email) or Hotseat
* Story driven semi-dynamic campaigns, stand alone (non-campaign)battles, QuickBattle generator, and full featured Editor guarantee endless replayability
* Allied vs. Axis, Allied vs. Allied and Axis vs. Axis play options.