Order Now !!!! Cities in Motion Collection - 1 DVD
Developer : (c) Paradox Interactive

- Game Notes: ▓█
- ▓█ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ▓█
- ▓█ Rendered in rich detail, some of the worldÆs ▓█
- ▓█ greatest cities- await the steady hand of a ▓█
- ▓█ planner to manage their transportation needs ▓█
- ▓█ in Cities in Motion. ▓█
- ▓█ Overseeing the changing needs of people from ▓█
- ▓█ 1920 to 2020, itÆs up to you to manage ▓█
- ▓█ everything from buses, trams and subway trains ▓█
- ▓█ to maximize profits while pleasing commuters ▓█
- ▓█ ▓█
- ▓█ Included within the collection are: ▓█
- ▓█ Cities in Motion ▓█
- ▓█ Cities in Motion Design Classics ▓█
- ▓█ Cities in Motion Design Marvels ▓█
- ▓█ Cities in Motion Design Now ▓█
- ▓█ Cities in Motion Tokyo ▓█
- ▓█ Cities in Motion Metro Station ▓█
- ▓█ Cities in Motion German Cities ▓█
- ▓█ Cities in Motion US Cities ▓█
- ▓█ Cities in Motion Patch 1.0.22