
Faust: Seven Games Of The Soul

Siap Order !!!! Faust: Seven Games Of The Soul - 1 DVD
Developer : Arxel Tribe | Publisher(s) : DreamCatcher
Genre : Adventure 

SevenGames of the Soul is a 3d fantasy adventure game where you play as therole Marcellus Faust, an old wise man from Mississippi. Faust is thelast guard of Dreamland, an unused theme park. Mephisto, an aristocratdemon appears on night. He is a supreme manipulator and tempter. Crossthe frontiers of time to investigate the parks strange past and its mostunusual inhabitants. Discover their dark secrets as you attempt tosolve the seven mysteries which haunt these walls.
In a graphicallyawesome atmospheric setting, Seven Games of the Soul has an immersivesoundtrack of UNIVERSAL hits including Marvin Gaye, Billie Holiday, StanGetz and John Lee Hooker.