Solusi games pc murah & berkualitas
sms only:08568758392
Siap Order !!!! Evolva - 1 DVD Publisher: Interplay Developer: Computer Artworks Genre: Action ESRB: TEEN ESRB Descriptors: Animated Blood & Gore, Animated Violence Genre: Action
Evolva adds some slick visual touches to remind you of the genohunters'
mutating abilities. Switching weapons actually causes the selected
weapon to grow out of your genohunter's limbs. Different mutation paths
superficially distinguish your characters over time; as they mutate,
their color will change and various crests, spikes, and fins will grow
on their bodies. Genohunters can earn up to five levels of proficiency
in various weapons and special abilities, and the higher levels of the
running and jumping abilities will make the character look noticeably
leaner and more fit. However, such details don't mean Evolva is a
virtual life game, because by and large, the superficial changes you'll
see on your genohunters are just that. As such, it's unlikely that
you'll make much use of the genohunter export feature, which
theoretically lets you swap your mutations with your friends.
Minimum System Requirements : System: PII 233 or equivalent RAM: 128 MB Video Memory: 15 MB Hard Drive Space: 450 MB